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Men's Multivitamin 60 Tablets

Men's Multivitamin 60 Tablets

from Haya Labs
73% of 100

Men's Multivitamin from Haya Labs contains all essential ingredients for a man’s healthy lifestyle.


Men's Multivitamin from Haya Labs contains all essential ingredients for a man’s healthy lifestyle.

Men's Multivitamin from Haya Labs, product highlights:

  • Full vitamin & mineral spectrum
  • All essential ingredients for men’s health need
  • Suitable for all-aged men
  • Enzyme Blend
  • Probiotic complex
  • Antioxidant effect

Men's Multivitamin from Haya Labs contains all vital vitamins, minerals, enzymes and probiotics that are needed for every man’s health. The formula is synthesized after years of scientific researches and experiments trials intended to lead to make a perfect product containing all the necessary vitamins and minerals that are in man’s favor.

Men's Multivitamin from Haya Labs provides Men’s Vitality Complex with included Saw Palmetto, L-Arginine and Tribulus Terestris, which encourage reproduction, increase libido and reduce prostate problems. The added Siberian Ginseng is effective during stress, colds, and change of the environment. The Pancreatin 8X, which can be found in the ingredients helps the digestion system and food absorption. Each dose contains 10 billion active bacteria that protect from intestine infections. The green superfood blend is providing the needed macronutrients in the right quantities.

Supplement Facts

Men's Multivitamin - Haya Labs


Take 2 tablets daily with a meal

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